Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Booking Drifting

I guess its time I admit that I am more a book drifter than a book reader. What books have I drifted to recently? I'm reading the Golden Compass, which is fun, Getting Things Done which is more informative than fun, Evolutionary Witchcraft by T Thorn Coyle, which is good. Oh and a really good book: Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology by David Graeber.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

1. The 5 Lessons: a millionaire taught me

I like this book, it had a few weaknesses, but made up for it with good simple rules to live by. What are the Five rules:

1. Decide to be wealthy... as in write this downon a piece of paper: "Today I decide to be wealthy", and read it to yourself when you wake up each morning. (Okay lame rule, but Evans says that if you follow rules 2-5 you automatically pass rule 1 and don't have to follow the daily affirmations.)

2. Take responsibilty for your money. This means know: A. what your net worth is, B. know how much money you have coming in. C. Know how much money is going out. D. Know what your money is doing. (keep personal track of your investments.)

3. Keep a portion of everything you earn. Pay yourself first. This means out of each paycheck put at least 10% of gross in to savings, or a mutual fund. The power of compound interest, he has many charts to show if you put 10-20% of your income away and it earns 10% interest you too can become a millionaire in 25 years. (Ah, but don't forget rule 5... coming up.)

4. Win in the Margins uhh, maybe I should reread this part, I'm sure it meant more than take side jobs.

5. Give back Evans is a strong proponent of tithing 10% of your income. Which wasn't one of the saving graces of the book.

My first officially finished book of 2008. It takes a couple hours to read and can give back all your life. I will definitely follow rules 2,3, and 5, lets hope that will at least improve the finances.